Monthly Archives: June 2012


since the gemini’s time to shine is almost over i thought it would be fitting to post my favorite song from the one man pop band, wild nothing. this song is from his album “gemini”.


check out this little gem of a short film directed by roman polanksi for prada. the film stars helena bonham carter and ben kingsley. fashion baby ❤


now i know all of you freaks have seen the movie kids and were affected by it in some way. telly, rosario dawsons character “ruby”, “i have no legs”, the make out scene in the beginning, the skateboard fight, the final scene!!!! super intense.

i feel like everyone knew someone in high school who was similar to one of these characters.

larry clark touched on all the subjects that interested me when i was younger: sex, drug abuse, skater boys, lust (is that the same as sex?). who am i kidding? these things still interest me.

before larry was a film maker he was a normal amphetamine injecting teenager in his hometown of tulsa. ok, i’m joking, that’s definitely not “normal”. either way, this is where he began photographing his friends and the suburban drug scene they existed in. you can see his early work on display now at the C/O Berlin gallery. who’s coming with me?


it’s possible that sam haskins was the most gifted photographer of nudes in his generation. obviously these women are stunning to begin with and then he turns them into absolute art. unfortunately haskins had a stroke on the opening day of his exhibition ‘Fashion Etcetera’ hosted at milk studios in NYC, september of 2009. he died a few weeks later at home. thanks for keeping woman naked and sexy instead of trashy and loose looking.


yeeeaaaahhhh i love this. the song. not the video, obviously. close your eyes.